beauty, mentalhealth

Eliminate Hormonal Acne Naturally!!! (For women)

Hello my beauties! I am actually VERY excited to write a blog post/review on this and have been wanting to do it for a while! Of course, I wanted to wait a few months to see if results were consistent and the product actually works…and let me tell you…it is absolutely AMAZING!

  • Before I start, I want to clearly state that I was not sponsored in any way to write about this product. This worked for me and I simply felt compelled to write a review in the hopes of helping other women who have been battling hormonal acne

I have had hormonal acne for as long as I can remember. It started around the age of 20 and continued on until I started using ESTROsmart by Lorna Vanderhaughe at the age of 28. I can’t tell you how many times I cried over the horrific breakouts and cystic acne that just wouldn’t go away. I tried every single cream, pill, serum, face wash, spot treatment to washing my makeup brushes every other day, switching makeup products to even trying birth control in hopes of eliminating the acne. NOTHING worked. I could never go out anywhere without makeup on and it was so frustrating. I just kept packing on the foundation and powders which in return clogged my pores and made things worse! Many people may be unaware, but severe acne can actually cause low self-esteem, depression, and social isolation!

I discovered ESTROsmart at the Vancouver Health Fair three months ago and have been taking it ever since. It took about three weeks before I started seeing actual results. After two months of consistently taking ESTROsmart, my acne completely disappeared, I have no more PMS symptoms or mood swings and no menstrual cramps. My skin has been clear including during that time of the month when acne is worse! This product has literally changed my life, increased my self esteem and has made that time of the month effortless.


The great thing about ESTROsmart is that not only does it help balance hormones and eliminate acne naturally, it also has some serious anti-cancer benefits:

  • Maintains healthy estrogen-to-progesterone balance
  • Protects and treats your fibrocystic breasts
  • Detoxifies toxic estrogens from plastics, pesticides, cosmetics and more
  • Halts abnormal cell growth, including breast lumps, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, and thick uterine lining for those with PCOS and ovarian cysts
  • Halts conversion of good estrogens (2-hydroxyestrone) to bad estrogens (16-hydroxyestrone)
  • Eliminates PMS and makes periods effortless
  • Maintains healthy PAP smears


  • Calcium D-Glucarate: is a powerful detoxifier of excess and toxic estrogens.
  • Indole-3-Carbinol: is an anti-cancer plant nutrient found in cruciferous vegetables. Research has shown that I3C helps to break down cancer-causing estrogens into non-toxic forms. I3C maintains a healthy cervix, protects against HPV cervical lesions and controls abnormal cell growth found in those with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and breast lumps.
  • Green Tea Extract: contains polyphenols, catechins and flavonoids shown to be protective against estrogen-related cancers.
  • Turmeric: is the yellow pigment of turmeric. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and it works to inhibit all stages of cancer formation: initiation, promotion and progression.It also protects against inflammatory calcium loss from our bones and aids digestion.
  • Diindolymethane (DIM): helps to break down cancer-causing estrogens into non-toxic forms. DIM is one of the products created by the breakdown of I3C.
  • Rosemary Leaf Extract: a potent antioxidant, protects cells from cancer-causing agents, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and helps to detoxify toxic estrogens.
  • Sulforaphane (from BroccoPhane broccoli sprout extract) has been shown to stimulate the body’s production of detoxification enzymes that eliminate environmental estrogens. Sulforaphane is a powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer agent that also stops brown spots on the skin.

The price is a bit steep at $42 on Amazon and trust me I was skeptical at first as well….but I can’t rave about this product enough. It is for any woman who wants to balance hormones naturally without having to be on birth control. ESTROsmart can be found in any nutrition store in Canada. For my readers who are outside of Canada, you can purchase this on Amazon here. I sincerely hope this helps some of you ladies out there who are battling with hormonal acne. I definitely feel your pain!!!

Xo, Sahar

5 thoughts on “Eliminate Hormonal Acne Naturally!!! (For women)”

    1. Thanks for reading!! I take 2 capsules every day with breakfast or Lunch and it literally eliminates all my acne! I did notice however, that when I stopped taking it my acne came back. It really is a miracle worker! Good luck!! :)))


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